Transport dworski w zbiorach Muzeum Wsi Mazowieckiej w Sierpcu | Manor transport in the collection of the museum of the masovian countryside in sierpc

Wystawa pozwala na zapoznanie się z wybranymi typami pojazdów konnych charakterystycznych dla dworu mazowieckiego z końca XIX i początku XX wieku. Prezentowane środki transportu zostały wyprodukowane zarówno przez polskich fabrykantów, jak i w znanych i renomowanych firmach europejskich. Ekspozycja składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej sali można zobaczyć pojazdy kryte oraz kufry podróżne. Wnętrze sali drugiej prezentuje niemal wyłącznie pojazdy wyrobu miejscowego oraz warsztat kołodziejsko – rymarski. Wystawę wzbogacają uprzęże oraz akcesoria podróżne – kufry, walizy, sakwojaże.


The permanent exhibition titled “Manor transport in the collections of the Museum of the Masovian Countryside in Sierpc” is an educational journey into the world of means of manor transport. It allows to get familiar with chosen types of horse-drawn vehicles that were characteristic for Masovian manors from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, and each one of them is an interesting example of equipage. The fact, that the presented vehicles were produced both by Polish manufacturers and by famous, prestigious European companies, makes it even more attractive. The exhibition refers to historical coach houses, which were many a time elements of magnate and noble estates.

The exhibition consists of two parts. In the first room you can see covered vehicles and cabin trunks. The interior of the second room presents almost only locally produced vehicles and a wheelwright-saddler workshop. Within the exhibition you can see for example a glamorous landau from 1880, britzka carriages, sleighs from the interwar period, and even used to this day sleigh from St. Petersburg made within the premises of Russian monarchy. The vehicles gathered within the exhibition present various constructions of undercarriage and coachwork, different values and destinations. Moreover, the exhibition is enriched by harnesses and various types of travel accessories – trunks, suitcases, and travelling bags. In the recreated wheelwright-saddler workshop there are manual tools necessary to make wheels, coachworks, wings, or to repair a vehicle.

The exhibition is directed not only to professionals. Everyone may easily walk into the world of carriages, britzkas, and sleighs. Their dainty beauty charms with exquisiteness and diligence of production. It is worth to get familiar with utility objects, which were present in the everyday lives of our ancestors.